Welcome to the Weconnect Long Range Antenna support page.

This page includes a help section with Q&A for troubleshooting.

When there is an issue, please make sure to follow the steps below. BDU, which stands for Below Deck Unit, is the indoor unit, while ODU, which stands for Outdoor Unit, is the outdoor unit. The LED indicator on the BDU provides a lot of information, which should be used when troubleshooting.

Welcome to the Weconnect Long Range Antenna support page.

This page includes a help section with Q&A for troubleshooting.

When there is an issue, please make sure to follow the steps below. BDU, which stands for Below Deck Unit, is the indoor unit, while ODU, which stands for Outdoor Unit, is the outdoor unit. The LED indicator on the BDU provides a lot of information, which should be used when troubleshooting.

The LED indicator on the BDU shows possible reasons and actions that should be taken.

In general:

  • Check all cables, connectors and grounding cables and make sure they are all properly connected.
  • Make sure the SIM is active and in session using the SIM Management Portal.
  • Powercycle the BDU by switching it off/on: pressing the power switch inside until it clicks. Please wait up to 1 minute. The system will get power immediately after switching “on”. The switch will be illuminated blue if the BDU starts the overall system test procedure.
  • LED flashing with high frequency:
    BDU (below deck unit) is searching for ODU.
  • LED flashing slowly:
    BDU recognized ODU and connection to ODU is done.
  • LED not flashing, staying blue:
    3G/4G/LTE network is available, the modem is logged on to the network and an internet connection is available.
  • After switching the BDU off/on, please wait for the LED to signal first and do not turn off/on again before the first signal. It takes some time. If the LED doesn’t give any signal after a few minutes, there is no power or the BDU is damaged.

More info, questions or remarks?

We are here to help!