Your global network operator

We provide high-quality data solutions that connect to the best wireless networks everywhere you go.

We are one of the most experienced providers for Machine to Machine internet in Europe and connect over 100.000 machines, ships and businesses to the internet everyday globally.

Direct response within 4 business hours.

Direct response within 4 business hours.

Your global network operator

We provide high-quality data solutions that connect to the best wireless networks everywhere you go.

We are one of the most experienced providers for Machine to Machine internet in Europe and connect over 100.000 machines, ships and businesses to the internet everyday globally.

Direct response within 4 business hours

Who is weconnect?

Do you want to know who we are? Let’s go back to the year 1999 when founders Tim and Bas got into telecom and connectivity. Yes, that is back when internet was something you had to lay down the phone for and a floppy disk was THE place to store your company data.

After working within corporate telecom operators for over 17 years, we started weconnect in 2016. We took the lessons learned and got rid of the typical “don’ts’’ we experienced during our career within the telecom market.

We created a honest and clear model supplying international mobile internet to connect customers and partners in a way we wanted to be connected.

Since then we’ve build up a global mobile network service and an amazing team of professionals in Alkmaar, the Netherlands.

We’ve been providing the best global connectivity solutions since the start, we keep developing in this changing market and we are more than happy to provide you with our services.

Bas de Lange
Bas de Lange
Head of Sales
Renze van Vueren

Renze van Vueren
Head of Operations

Pim pot

Pim Pot
Head of Marketing

Tim van Roemburg

Tim van Roemburg
Head of Finance